Journey Part 2: Accident to Innovation
Turns out that the Accident that changed my life wasn't the hardest part.
13 surgeries to save my right leg…
In the 3 years that followed the crash I had 13 surgeries in order to save my right leg, including two failed bone grafts and a bone transplant due to bone infection and soft tissue damage of the surrounding tissue.Gave up on physiotherapy…
Every few months after the hardware in my leg would break because the bone was not healing, I would be back on crutches and back in for another surgery. Every surgery was supposed to be the last so after attempting physiotherapy twice, I gave up on physiotherapy until I am fully healed (holding out for a few more months before I try again).
Superstar Wife : )
During this time, I couldn’t drive and many simple tasks were much more difficult without the use of my hands. Besides being an amazing support, my wife had to shoulder many of the tasks that we used to share. Before the accident, we would drive to work together, so this stayed the same, but now she was always the one who had to drive. And she met this challenge with admirable dedication. My kids never missed a class and I never missed work (except when I had scheduled time off for surgery or recovery), while she worked a full-time job as well. My wife is a Superstar.